Statute of Anne (1710)
Any money lent to someone with the known purpose
that it was to be used for gambling was held as void and unenforceable.
o Gambling debt is considered a contract and
treated like a contract for prostitution. The court will leave the parties
where it finds them and will automatically dismiss every claim.
Gambling Debts
Lawsuits brought in the state where the bet
was made
The common route is to get a judgment in the
state in which the debt occurred and then go after the debt via the federal Full
Faith & Credit clause of the constitution.
Lawsuits brought in a different state from where
the bet was made
Usually, but not guaranteed, a casino can bring
a lawsuit against the patron for their gambling debt in the state where he/she
Not so if the court deems gambling to be so against
local public policy that it chooses not to hear the case.
Due to the popularity of lottery and bingo, it’s
realistically quite difficult to find a court that would oppose gambling on
public policy grounds.
Unenforceable Debt
Any debt incurred for the purpose of making an
illegal bet.
Includes: Bets to bookies, checks written at
home poker games, etc
Any debt incurred for making legal bets outside
a legislatively authorized format.
Enforceable Debt
Those which have been deemed legal by statutory
amendment to common law.